Zvhil - Mezbuz Beis Medrash · זוועהיל - מעזבוז בית מדרש
Congregation Bnai Jacob – Bnai Jacob Synagogue
מבצר התורה והחסידות שיסודו והנהגתו ע"י אדמו"רי בית זוועהיל – מעזבוז זי"ע ונושא את שמם הקדוש
15 School Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02108 (617) 227-8200



Zvhil - Mezbuz
Rebbes of Zvhil-Mezbuz
Services and Prayer
From The Rebbe

Downtown Boston
15 School Street - Second Floor

[The Boston Location]The Zvhil - Mezbuz Beis Medrash, located in downtown Boston, is open to the public weekdays during normal working hours as a place of prayer and study. It houses a basic library of Talmud, Shulchan Aruch, and other traditional texts and commentaries and Chasidic works.

Minchah services are held Monday through Thursday at 1:30 PM, and has become a gathering place for Jews of all walks of life and all segments of the community.

Special early Minchah services are held on Erev Yom Kippur, and the Hillula (yahrzeit) of the Rebbe's ancestors, the Rebbes of Mezbuz, Zvhil, Zlotschov, Tschernobl and Apta are commemorated during the year.

At Succos time each year the Rebbe oversees construction of a succah on Old City Hall Plaza, a block from the Beis Medrash downtown, for use during the intermediate days of Succos. Hundreds of Jews from every segment of Boston's Jewish community take turns using the downtown Boston succah. In addition to those working downtown, Jews from throughout Greater Boston participate in the mitzvot of lulav, esrog, and succah and visitors from Monsey, Flatbush and Boro Park, NY; Chicago and as far away as Jerusalem bring their lunches to eat in the succah.
[Succah in Downtown Boston] [Succah in Downtown Boston]

Succah,Downtown Boston


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